A third time pass'd they by, and, passing, turn'd
Each one the face a moment whiles to me ... "
"Ode of Indolence", J. Keats
Doubt has three faces, each equal, doubting
Equality. And each one chanting,
The story of the other's err.
And see their eyes, they are now haunting,
In questions infinite, are taunting
The mind these faces sadly share.
One floats above, a seeking shadow
Of principals - it doubts the 'real'.
One sinks below, in oceans hollow,
It feels, then stops, then doubts to feel.
One in the middle - writes on a memo,
The pros and cons and seeks a seal,
From infinite and back to zero
Forever doubting it will heal.
Doubt has three faces, each one a mirror:
The Weak, the Strong - between the Lost.
Sometimes they're far, but sometimes closer.
Three faces - meadows, fire, frost.
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